The TUTORS spot

This is a place where we will put key information for Tutors, and where Tutors can leave comments, ideas, or issues for the Committee to support them.

This terms time table:-


Tutors please used this email address for Ms Dunkley, the Course coordinator at

Please put the above address in your contact list to stop emailings going to junk mail. Thank you.

Thank you again to all the Tutors who have signed up for courses in Term 4, you truly are the life blood of the Association.

Term Dates – Term 4 will run from 14 October to 20 December.


Standing reference items

Membership and Course Attendance

Please check that your course participants are current members of U3A Milton-Ulladulla.  This is important for insurance cover. 

All course participants, including tutors/presenters/leaders, must be members of Milton-Ulladulla U3A for health, legal and insurance purposes.  To belong to M-U U3A the application for membership form must be completed, and a subscription fee paid; details are on the U3A Milton-Ulladulla web site.  Course participants should wear nametags showing the current year.

People may attend as a visitor for a week or two, but must fill in the attendance register as ‘visitors’ and are expected to join if they want to continue attending classes.


Expenses may be claimed by Tutors to cover the cost of their courses.  General expenses up to $30 per term may be claimed without approval or receipts.  Claims for expenditure for amounts between $30 and $100 require prior approval from the Treasurer.  Any expense above and separate from $100 needs prior approval from the Committee for repayment to occur.

Contact the Treasurer or Courses’ Co-ordinator for approval initiation [e-mail is fine].  Please read attachments 3 and 4 to this letter which detail expense procedures; one is an expense claim form.  Preferred repayment to a tutors’ account is by electronic transfer.

Most recent Covid Advice from NSW Government

Harry Higgs Room and other Session Venues

If using the Harry Higgs [HH] Room, Tutors should obtain a key for it from the Property Officer (Bill Lampard – 4455 7740) and return it to him at the end of the course or when it is no longer needed; this is critical as the number of keys is limited.  Should you forget your key, ‘phone Bill or me for emergency assistance.

Tutors are asked to complete their sessions by the scheduled time, and to return the venue to the condition it was in at session commencement so that users following can prepare from a known state.  For the HH Room, please clean the board(s).  If your activities have untidied the HH room, please clean up before leaving – including wiping down the tables and sink; if the room’s rubbish bins have been used, please empty them in the outside bins.

If you are not immediately handing over to the next tutor, please leave the HH room locked, switches (except fridge) off, air conditioner off, mat inside, windows locked, blinds down, and generally secure.

Visual Aids in the Harry Higgs Room

The HH room has a TV with muliple AV inputs, including PC, appropriate DVD players, and a Computer Data Projector and screen.

Public Performances or Exhibitions

If you plan a public performance or exhibition, please inform the President or Secretary [e-mail is fine] so that measures can be taken to ensure public liability insurance is in place, publicity is arranged, and any support you feel is necessary is made available to you.

Any queries or concerns …

Please contact me on

Jan Dunkley
Courses’ Coordinator

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