Application for membership
The fee for 2025 is $40, or $20 if joining after 30 June 2025.
(For membership renewals no form is needed, just make payment as outlined below)
Existing members can also use this form to update their details
After you complete the form below (and press send) please use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – our preferred method of payment, or you can visit a Commonwealth Bank and deposit the fee into the Account below.
U3A Milton Ulladulla Campus,
BSB 062-646 Account 0090 1085.
Please make sure that you annotate the member’s name and initials to the transfer so we can match it to our database.
The Courses and Activities provided by the Milton-Ulladulla Campus Inc are intended only to supply general information, and in no way constitute professional advice on which participants should rely.
U3A Milton-Ulladulla Campus Inc, its committees and its course and activity leaders, does not accept responsibility for any losses of any kind suffered by a participant participating in a course or activity.
Member’s details will NOT be divulged to anyone unless we are compelled by law. We will however, send you newsletters and notices by e-mail unless you decline to receive them electronically.