Who are we?
We are a community based volunteer operated organisation devoted to Life Long Learning for people who are retired or have time to explore learning opportunities. It’s about sharing our knowledge and interests with others and having fun together. You will meet new people, learn new skills and explore new interests. You can continue to be active mentally, physically and socially as you enjoy your retirement
U3A (University of the Third Age) began in Australia in 1984, in Melbourne, and spread rapidly to other parts of Australia. U3As were established as autonomous groups, with their own administration and curriculum according to the needs and interests of each group. There are now about 300 U3As in Australia, with about 100,000 members. The U3A Milton-Ulladulla Campus Inc serves members in the Milton and Ulladulla area.
What Courses are Available?
Please go to the current year’s Courses page here to view the list of courses available this year. One low cost annual membership payment gives you access to any or all of the courses on offer (subject to availability).
How do I become a Member?
If you would like to attend any of our courses, please go to the membership page here to enter your details and sign up to become a member.